Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Abortion A Controversial Issue

For years, abortion has been an extremely controversial subject. One important aspect of the controversy is whether a woman should be permitted by law to have an abortion and, if so, under what circumstance. Another is whether, and to what extent laws should protect the unborn. People who wish to legally limit or forbid abortions describe themselves as pro-life. Those who believe that a woman should have the right to have an abortion may revert to themselves as pro-child.

Arguments against abortion are based on the believe that an abortion is the unjustified willing of an unborn child. Most people who oppose abortion believe that human life begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Another argument against abortion is that laws allowing it on demand will increase irresponsible pregnancies and lead to disrespect for human life. The Roman Catholic Church is a chief opponent of abortion. Conservative branches of other religions also oppose abortion.

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